Tuesday, October 30, 2007


guess what?

you are now reading the 100th post on my blog. CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU'VE WON ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! (except the honour of reading this blog of course lol)

so i figured i should talk bout sumfin deep and meaningful, i mean this is a special event and all. so im in the middle of SWOTVAC studying for my ridiculous exam timetable and learning bout the human lifespan in OCTY1203 from birth to death. Gets me thinking.

most people (in our society anyway) have a pretty straight forward expectation of their life. get a good job, find the 'ONE', get married, have kids, retire and have a peaceful death at a nice ripe old age. but life doesnt always work out like that. things go wrong. things dont go to plan. ppl get fired. husbands and wives are unfaithful. kids leave parents after years of care and unconditional love, young ppl die in the prime of their life only to be forgotten in this world.

what is there then? what do we have to look forward to? why do we go through pain over and over? why do we make it over a hill only to reach another mountain? is it all dross? (had to lighten the mood somewhere :P)

it's so true when Jesus said all things in this world are meaningless and temporary. if you rely on things, you will lose them. if you rely on money, you will die without a cent. if u rely on ppl, you will get disappointed (just as u have disappointed others). If you rely on fame, well... paparazzi will just screw u over in general. its so true, that God is the only one that is forever. He's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and the day after and the day after that... He's the only thing that we can rely on and ironically the one thing we can't see... but we already know all the things that visible are unreliable.
especially if its made in china.
jokes. lol

He is the only one that gives us a love that is unfailing, unconditional and forever. He gives us hope for a future that goes beyond this worlds concept of space and time. A future without pain or suffering. To be celebrating with angels and living in holiness and purity in the presense of God is what i look foward to. It's so true that this life on earth is like a race. ppl cant just walk to the beginning of the tracks and say "gimme the gold medal, i deserve it". atheletes go through pain-staking efforts, train every day, make sacrifices and push through one physical injury after another. Its so true that perseverance brings people through the tunnel and into the light. this world was built to train us, because things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control and perseverance cant be picked up in a store.. it has to be learned through life with God. we have to go through life's hurdles to learn and become stronger for the next one in order to win the race.

but human efforts in the spiritual race is nothing without Jesus. and he knows a thing or two bout trials. hes been there. he knows. thats why he's always there if we reach out for him when things get tough. hes there when things are great too, even if those are the times we forget about him. it takes courage, faith and discipline to rely on God. it's not always easy. but at the same time, to put ur life in God's hands is to let go of so many burdens. its the best thing you could possibly do in this lifetime. whether you experience the benefits now or in heaven. and now that i've done that, i can live my life being content with what i have, what i've lost and whatever may come my way.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Boys and footy

i just love this picture. why? is the incredibly hot bunch of blokes otherwise known as the footy boys? is it the proud display of footy short shorts? although those things do win a few of my votes... i'd have to say its the fact that all the guys are squishing their arms to their chest to make what appears to be muscles. if these guys made a 12 month calendar... i'd buy it :P

so why are guys so into footy? is it becuz its manly and they happen to be men? or is there a deeper philosophy to it... aftering doing some research... i can now report my findings.

Professor Timmy (2007:14)
"theres a reason why guys are the predominant sex in games.. in sport.. computer games... chess.. pretty much any game. why ? because guys love to compete with each other. there's the slight rush of adrenaline when something is happening.. is like the addictive thing. some ppl only play to win - i call those ppl losers XD

i guess its more to show how skilled you are at something, you may not necessarily be the best.

in team games at least.. its also like a 'primary' way in which guys can bond with each other in a non-gay way.

on the field .. you cant pretend to be a different character.. your tru colours shine... like if you get agro really easily.. it will stick out like a sore thumb on the field"

Dr Tingy, S. (2007:257)

"football teaches you many lessons of life... teamwork, mateship, group of people working to achieve one common goal, getting thru tough times, mentally preparing yourself to face the onslaught ahead, the enjoyment of smashing someone else, having to abide by rules and regulations and dealing with being caught out wen you disobey them.

so really, football is a life lesson.

young men of this day and age learn so much from it

not to mention the shear enjoyment that they get from playing.

Fong, M., PhD. (2007:30)

it's fun.

In conclusion, the relationship between man and football is a sacred bond that is beyond full understanding and comprehension ... personally i think its just the male version of shopping - building friendships, adrenaline, lesson in life (asian mother bargaining) and of course the best excuse of all... physical exercise :P

Thursday, October 04, 2007

My Day

so today i did some volunteer work at a Logan Community Centre. it was definately a new experience. don't jump to the conclusion that i'm a saint. it was for an assignment i'm doing. but yeah i've always wanted to do volunteer work, just never thought my first time would be with people with special needs. i had no clue what i was doing...

lesson No. 1 - Don't judge a book by it's cover... especially in this environment. I actually went up to one of the ladies with an intellectual ability thinking she was one of the staff asking if she needed help. Her name is Karyn. And when i saw a man in a wheelchair just staring at nothing i automatically made assumptions of his disabilities. turns out we could have a good chat bout chess and bowling and other things i'm not good at :) His name is John.

lesson No. 2 - Some prefer to be treated to as adults while some prefer kiddy play - no matter what age they may be. One of the younger men (less than 40) doesnt actually have a mental disability so to me it was like talking to anyone else, just with arthritis. His name is Stewart. Then there was the other John, who seriously looked like a professor in Physics, but i got to played "velcro-ball darts" with him. He was better. And he laughs at absolutely every joke. lol such a cute Physics professor.

lesson No. 3 - If someone doesn't warm up to you immediately, don't give up. There's one lady named Melissa. It didn't matter how many smiles i could beam at her, she'd still looked unimpress. But when i saw them playing a game i sat down next to her and asked her if she could teach me how to play. She was more than happy to. anyway so today i learned how to play Rammies. yeah... its like a cross between Uno and Dominos. but our relationship grew deeper when we talked bout period pain. yes. don't judge me. i'll use what i can. lol

lesson No. 4 - People are more capable than you think. for morning tea i helped feed Shayne. Helped wipe her face and everything. then at lunch i found out she could feed herself. it was just messier. and she spilt her drink. but i think it's worth it if she could get one step closer to independence (something we take for granted everyday). She can't speak but she can laugh and squeal. so she likes to get in on all the jokes.

lesson No. 5 - People with disabilities are people who are different... but then again who isn't different? They all have different needs when it comes to communication and that's not their problem, it's how I adapt to their differences to treat them as unique individuals. it's the same as how i talk differently to my friends than i do to aunties and uncles at church. i do it out of respect and i want to make the other person feel more comfortable.

it takes time to work on this but i'm determined to make a connection to all the members, even the ones that can't speak. everyone has something to say, it's just whether we have the time and motivation to listen in new ways.

Asians are actually hilarious

ok so i know videos are cheat blogs... but i couldnt resist.

i have seen some freaky-as asian shows before.... but i applaud the ppl who came up with this *bui nod*.

Monday, October 01, 2007
