Sunday, October 14, 2007

Boys and footy

i just love this picture. why? is the incredibly hot bunch of blokes otherwise known as the footy boys? is it the proud display of footy short shorts? although those things do win a few of my votes... i'd have to say its the fact that all the guys are squishing their arms to their chest to make what appears to be muscles. if these guys made a 12 month calendar... i'd buy it :P

so why are guys so into footy? is it becuz its manly and they happen to be men? or is there a deeper philosophy to it... aftering doing some research... i can now report my findings.

Professor Timmy (2007:14)
"theres a reason why guys are the predominant sex in games.. in sport.. computer games... chess.. pretty much any game. why ? because guys love to compete with each other. there's the slight rush of adrenaline when something is happening.. is like the addictive thing. some ppl only play to win - i call those ppl losers XD

i guess its more to show how skilled you are at something, you may not necessarily be the best.

in team games at least.. its also like a 'primary' way in which guys can bond with each other in a non-gay way.

on the field .. you cant pretend to be a different character.. your tru colours shine... like if you get agro really easily.. it will stick out like a sore thumb on the field"

Dr Tingy, S. (2007:257)

"football teaches you many lessons of life... teamwork, mateship, group of people working to achieve one common goal, getting thru tough times, mentally preparing yourself to face the onslaught ahead, the enjoyment of smashing someone else, having to abide by rules and regulations and dealing with being caught out wen you disobey them.

so really, football is a life lesson.

young men of this day and age learn so much from it

not to mention the shear enjoyment that they get from playing.

Fong, M., PhD. (2007:30)

it's fun.

In conclusion, the relationship between man and football is a sacred bond that is beyond full understanding and comprehension ... personally i think its just the male version of shopping - building friendships, adrenaline, lesson in life (asian mother bargaining) and of course the best excuse of all... physical exercise :P