Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The second part

I think whoever went to AYC can all agree that the speaker was darn good. His speeches were challenging but at the same time not condemning. He didn’t speak from a self-righteous point of view but at the same time he knew what he was talking bout. I could talk bout being “not ashamed of the gospel” and how to apply that to our lives outside church like at uni or in the workplace… but what really hit home for me was the “sacred cow” thing.

It’s pretty common for Christians to be asked “do you have an idol that hinders your relationship with God?” and for them to think “idols??? Woahh now way am I that bad… no sir… don’t have any golden cows hiding in my closet”. Thing is… an idol can be anything that you put before God… and the worst thing is that sometimes you don’t even realise it exists. It’s until you take a good look into your heart and uncover those dark corners that you have always turned a blind eye to. And everyone has their own personal thing.

What’s my thing? I guess there’s a lot of different things, but I think the one that popped up was chasing the praise of people, especially in church. It’s the difference between doing something for God and for myself while pretending it’s for God. It’s the thoughts in my head and how it’s focussing on what people think of me. It’s the personal desire in my heart to seem like the best person I can be rather than actually being the best person I can be.

But thank God for his unfailing love and amazing power to forgive. I know this idol won’t go away tomorrow but hopefully one day, with prayer and God’s help, I’ll be able to put this aside and serve God with an earnest heart.

Anyways just something to think bout. And since this has been quite a serious post I just wanted to put some vids up while im still in AYC fever :P

Ivan dancing

Kevin dancing

Geoff dancing

what is it with perth ppl and dancing?? Who knew there were dudes that dance more than me and max combined!!