Bring on the 3 month holiday :D ahhh yes. life of a uni student. it's tough.
I finished my second prac and it. was. awesome.
the staff got me white choc cake, flowers, chocolate and a diary! what the heck... im a friggin student coming in and interrupting their work for 7 weeks and they got me all this stuff.. woot for pracs.
So what am I gunna do in my massive holiday.. besides AMYC in Perth and a week at the coast... I'm going to try... to become... a lady.
'what does this mean?' you ask. 'how can this be done?' you say. 'what the heck.. as if Frank could BE any more woman'. i know that's what you're all really thinking.
what I mean is.. I wanna learn how to do things that I should have learned to do ages ago:
* Cook (more than toast and cereal)
* Sew (like a bag or piece of clothing that fits me)
* Jewelry-making (but like hardcore jewelry)
* Dance (like maybe take actual classes instead of Youtube)
See how I go... hope it doesn't turn out like Sven's blog (refer to
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Posted by fanny dong at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 06, 2009
congratulations! it's a boy!
hey everyone, I'd like you to meet my new baby.. Barry.
I named him Barry, after Barry White, because the guy at the store said he has a little more bass than the other guitars.
it was alot like giving birth, in some ways.
like, I had an expected date.. but I wasn't sure if it would happen earlier or later.. came close to postponing today.
I got to the shops early.. and Max came late.. so it was a long labour.
I wasn't sure what to expect.. was it going to have a polish finish or natural? black hair or red hair (that'd be random).
I mistakenly took home a guitar with a chip on it. so I carried that one around the city, on the bus, to my car, then back to my car, to the bus stop, to the city again... and finally got to bring my REAL Barry home (chip-free).
so now because of that traumatic ordeal.. i've become an over protective mother who can only let her Barry sleep on the bed. might have to sleep on the couch tonight.
and yes... the clear sticker is still on the guitar... because i'm asian.
Posted by fanny dong at 9:51 PM 6 comments
Thursday, November 05, 2009
You know you're getting old when...
* kids you talk to don't know the great shows like Friends, Seinfeld or the Price is Right.
* kids talk to you like "and it was like LOL, and everything was like LOL and i'm like LOL" and you don't understand anything that was discussed in the past 5 minutes.
* kids ask you what they should do in uni.. basically they want you to plan their future for them.
* you got your first mobile phone at the age of 16... not 6.
* you used to find this cool
WARNING: Avoid watching if you suffer cardiac problems.
wait... I never found this cool..... this particular song anyways :P
Conversation the other day with Jessica Go.
Me: heyhey
Jess: I was watching a video of my 1st birthday... and you were there!!
Me: .... woah could you make me feel any older?
Posted by fanny dong at 1:05 AM 0 comments