Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bring on the 3 month holiday :D ahhh yes. life of a uni student. it's tough.

I finished my second prac and it. was. awesome.
the staff got me white choc cake, flowers, chocolate and a diary! what the heck... im a friggin student coming in and interrupting their work for 7 weeks and they got me all this stuff.. woot for pracs.

So what am I gunna do in my massive holiday.. besides AMYC in Perth and a week at the coast... I'm going to try... to become... a lady.

'what does this mean?' you ask. 'how can this be done?' you say. 'what the heck.. as if Frank could BE any more woman'. i know that's what you're all really thinking.

what I mean is.. I wanna learn how to do things that I should have learned to do ages ago:

* Cook (more than toast and cereal)
* Sew (like a bag or piece of clothing that fits me)
* Jewelry-making (but like hardcore jewelry)
* Dance (like maybe take actual classes instead of Youtube)

See how I go... hope it doesn't turn out like Sven's blog (refer to


Unknown said...

those are some high, lofty goals you set there... good luck ;)

Ness said...

I'm loving this blog comeback Frank - you're an inspiration to lazy bloggers all over the world!