Friday, March 05, 2010

Frank is a silly name

I was sitting at the lunch table with all the workers from my prac. They all know me as Frances.

Worker 1: Picking baby names is so hard.
Worker 2: Oh yes I know. I had a tough time picking a name for my son Patrick. It was a toss up between Patrick and Francis, actually.
Worker 1: mmm I like the name Francis.
Me: *yeah, for a dude*
Worker 2: Yes me too. But the only thing I didn't like about it was Frank as a nickname.
Worker 1: Oh yes, I can't imagine a young person being called Frank.
Worker 2: mmm yes, that would be quite silly, wouldn't it? Frank. Frank. FRANK. hahahaha what a silly name.
Worker 1: hahahahaha
Me: hahahah ha ha ha. ahhh... *throws lunch and runs from table*


Wendy said...

Haha BL! That's just hilarious.

Heidi said...

We're sitting in our stats labs... v bored.

Haha. Poor Frank. No love.

When I grow up, I don't think I'll name my son Frank. (sorry) But I'd definitely name my pet fish Frank. If I had a fish.