Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beyond These Four Walls

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' (Matt. 25:40)

Is what we’re doing within the four walls of our church having any affect on those outside of it? This is a difficult question to ask ourselves. It’s much easier to put distressing issues such as poverty, war, illiteracy and prejudice out of sight and out of mind. It is also easier have knowledge of these issues and every intention to help than to actually share what we hold in our possession.

A conversation I had with a friend years ago has stayed with me to this day because it challenged me with the very issues I proclaimed to be concerned about. She discussed her involvement with the charity works and social concern efforts of a non-Christian organisation. At that point, James 2:26 came to mind; ‘faith without deeds is dead’. While a non-Christian friend was giving up her time and money to help those in need, I was merely regurgitating what Jesus had commanded His followers to do. I was forced to ask myself, what was I actually doing in response to the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20) and the parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matt. 25:31-46)?

God is perfect. His plan is perfect. His instructions are perfect. His love is perfect and should result in our love extending to families, fellow believers and those outside our circles. Perhaps that means humans are responsible for the injustice and uneven distribution of wealth in the world. We need to fight the feeling of apathy and ignorance towards those less fortunate. We need to have a deep dissatisfaction with how things are and a desire for how things should be. It’s not enough to merely know what displeases God and pray that God will fix it without surrendering ourselves to Him. Prayer and action come hand in hand. They are not alternative options.

It is essential that we pray and involve God in God’s work. We need to make sure that we do his work in line with his heart and Word. We need the Holy Spirit’s guidance, compassion in our hearts, and spiritual maturity to be able to make appropriate decisions and actions in his ministry. With a God-focused mind and the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ, we can develop realistic ideas and practical plans for our church to tend to the needs of others. Although God gave us different skills and abilities, we all have something to offer the downtrodden. What a beautiful thing it would be if all Christians and churches were united in this cause.

It is human nature to be fearful of anything outside our comfort zone. We fear sacrifice and we fear failure. But our God is not a selfish God nor is he oblivious to our needs. He is both able and willing to provide us with everything we need to do his work. When Moses was called by God to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, he felt that he was not equipped to carry out the task. He thought the people wouldn’t listen or believe. God gave him the staff and performed miracles through him. He thought he wasn’t a good speaker. God allowed his brother Aaron be the mouthpiece. Perhaps we think we’re too young or too old. Perhaps we think we don’t have enough skills or resources to offer; however, it is important for us to remember that we may be limited but nothing is impossible for God. We were not called to save the world. That is God’s job. We were called to do our best with the talents God gave us (Matt. 25:14-30).

We don’t need to wait for a miraculous calling to help the needy. God has already given us instruction through the Bible. If we see a need, let us go and meet it. Poverty does not exist in Africa alone. Let us not turn a blind eye to the people in our own community who need compassion shown to them. Let us not merely say ‘God be with you’ and walk away from their outstretched hand. Let us be the light of the world as Jesus intended.


Ang zye said...

Hahahaha. So right you are. It is good to have wide at knowledge of God but also to practise what we say. Like the good samaritan. Keep it as a motivation to start something.

Silver Tips said...

Excellent post, thanks for sharing.

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