Anna waiting for food.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
baBAM 2010 is coming closer and it's that time of the year.
No tag lines this year... photos speak for themselves.
Click photos to enlarge and download.
Posted by fanny dong at 3:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Eve
Angels' Carol
Glory to God
It's About the Cross
Everybody Knows
Christmas Service
What Child is This?
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Posted by fanny dong at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
wanted to promote AMYC 2010... so like.. here it is.
For more information (but currently under construction but check on it):
Posted by fanny dong at 4:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My Curtains
okayyy... so here's the story..
so my mum made me curtains ages ago.. but she took that fact that my favourite colour is blue to a whole new literal level.
here's a close up shot.
Yeah that's right... those are cartoon frogs... and yes those are letters spelling the word 'frog' all over it.
Now, there's a buffer time before you can replace something that your mother made for you. i waited for more than a year and i thought it was time. time for frances to man up and make her own pretty curtains.
10 bucks to make. YAY-YEAH... Better Homes and Gardens, here i come.
Posted by fanny dong at 8:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 06, 2009
AMYC 09 in Perth
First of all, gotta thank God for an awesome amyc this year and for the opportunity to talk to heaps of brothers and sisters in Christ around Australia.
Second, big thanks to K.Fang for letting us do an asian invasion into his house and letting us destroy the place like an unstoppable plague.
Memorable Moments of the Grandkids
* Sharing two beds with 5 other girls and adopting a 'pencil-like' sleeping position.
* Waking up to the sound and feeling of an earthquake due to Max's 'sleep-kicking'
* Following the Kevin. Then following the Jason. And finally following the Andrew.
* Singing in public and while walking through the neighbourhood.
* Having our picture taken by people who have never seen so many asians in their life.
* Playing chicka mm donka something something.
* Nathan, Sven and Kev failing at Snap.
* Converting people to NICE ONEZism.
* Being attacked by Perth salty sea water.
* Perth weather screwing us over.
* Atan being muscly.
* 'Pofeshonal photoe'.
* K.Fang's smooth conversation changes.
* 'Life is soo hard' *licks ice-cream*
Awkward Introductions.
Friendly girl: Hi, is your name Frances?
Frank: Yeah :)
Friendly girl: I really like your mole :D
Frank: ...oh thanks. *what? this old thing? well what can I say, I'm just that good at being moley*
While everyone is sleeping.
Max: *Comes into the bedroom and stomps on beds*
Frank: *sits up half asleep* *low mumble* take it easy... *resumes pencil-like sleeping position.
Early in the morning.
Kathleen: *starts blow-drying hair in the bedroom.
Viv: *groans* kathleen. kathleen. KATHLEEN. ..... LEEN LEEN LEEN LEEN!!
Max-Frank miscommunications.
Max: What's the time? *grabs Wendy's phone and tries to work it*
Frank: *points to clock behind Max*
Max: *forgets she was wanting to know the time* ... okay... great. Good for you.
Frank: ... WHAAAAAAAT?
I'm sure there's more but I can't remember right now. Pofeshonal photoes on Facebook.
Posted by fanny dong at 1:30 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Bring on the 3 month holiday :D ahhh yes. life of a uni student. it's tough.
I finished my second prac and it. was. awesome.
the staff got me white choc cake, flowers, chocolate and a diary! what the heck... im a friggin student coming in and interrupting their work for 7 weeks and they got me all this stuff.. woot for pracs.
So what am I gunna do in my massive holiday.. besides AMYC in Perth and a week at the coast... I'm going to try... to become... a lady.
'what does this mean?' you ask. 'how can this be done?' you say. 'what the heck.. as if Frank could BE any more woman'. i know that's what you're all really thinking.
what I mean is.. I wanna learn how to do things that I should have learned to do ages ago:
* Cook (more than toast and cereal)
* Sew (like a bag or piece of clothing that fits me)
* Jewelry-making (but like hardcore jewelry)
* Dance (like maybe take actual classes instead of Youtube)
See how I go... hope it doesn't turn out like Sven's blog (refer to
Posted by fanny dong at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 06, 2009
congratulations! it's a boy!
hey everyone, I'd like you to meet my new baby.. Barry.
I named him Barry, after Barry White, because the guy at the store said he has a little more bass than the other guitars.
it was alot like giving birth, in some ways.
like, I had an expected date.. but I wasn't sure if it would happen earlier or later.. came close to postponing today.
I got to the shops early.. and Max came late.. so it was a long labour.
I wasn't sure what to expect.. was it going to have a polish finish or natural? black hair or red hair (that'd be random).
I mistakenly took home a guitar with a chip on it. so I carried that one around the city, on the bus, to my car, then back to my car, to the bus stop, to the city again... and finally got to bring my REAL Barry home (chip-free).
so now because of that traumatic ordeal.. i've become an over protective mother who can only let her Barry sleep on the bed. might have to sleep on the couch tonight.
and yes... the clear sticker is still on the guitar... because i'm asian.
Posted by fanny dong at 9:51 PM 6 comments
Thursday, November 05, 2009
You know you're getting old when...
* kids you talk to don't know the great shows like Friends, Seinfeld or the Price is Right.
* kids talk to you like "and it was like LOL, and everything was like LOL and i'm like LOL" and you don't understand anything that was discussed in the past 5 minutes.
* kids ask you what they should do in uni.. basically they want you to plan their future for them.
* you got your first mobile phone at the age of 16... not 6.
* you used to find this cool
WARNING: Avoid watching if you suffer cardiac problems.
wait... I never found this cool..... this particular song anyways :P
Conversation the other day with Jessica Go.
Me: heyhey
Jess: I was watching a video of my 1st birthday... and you were there!!
Me: .... woah could you make me feel any older?
Posted by fanny dong at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Posted by fanny dong at 3:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
so it's been a while since i actually wrote anything in my blog. it kinda went through phases of actual written posts to cartoon strips to photos to youtube videos. but i figure i might shake things up a bit (symptom of procrastination? i may or may not have an assignment due this friday).
Phrases that I haven't heard in a while:
This was a very commonly used phrase back in the day. it came about when Em was giving us a lift with Aunty Siew. after she decided to race ahead of an oncoming car at a roundabout, Aunty Siew screamed "why'd you do that??" and Emily's calm response was "because I wanted to".
Whenever someone else would use this quote it was used in deep grungy voice (pretty sure Bui was to blame).
Ness: SAGO!!!
This was related to an incident when we were in an asian restaurant (a new experience for us). apparently its an ancient legend that this restaurant gives out free sago after you've finished your meal. it was 30 mins after we finished our meals and there was still no sign of sago. and being the true asians that we are, we stayed for another 20 mins. i'm pretty sure we ended up getting free fruit instead. ancient legend fail.
Phrases used now:
Vivian: Who's awesome?? I'm awesome.
So viv was driving us around, and she was telling us about how her driving skills are pro now.
Viv: I used to be so scared of driving far away.. now I drive to Sherwood so much that I am good at driving to Sherwood!
Max: ......
Frank: Viv: Who's awesome?? Us: You're awesome.
Sime: your face.
Seriously, i don't think this one will ever die out. its like the cockroach of all phrases. it's getting to the point that i can't have normal conversations with people anymore. i'm gunna be saying this in therapy sessions with my clients for goodness sake.
Posted by fanny dong at 5:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sarah: Hey Frances!! I took a photo of this chick on an ad that looks exactly like you!!
Frances: sure... *i look like all asian chicks*
Sarah: here!
Frances: .... ok that is a little creepy.
Posted by fanny dong at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Baby with an attitude
whatchu lookin at fool
I kill you!
I WILL take over the world, and no one can stop me
it's early and i'm up..... what more do you want from me?
heyyyy turns out me and Kev go way back
Posted by fanny dong at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
it's the first day after exams... and it's time to clean up the debris from the horrific storm
bedroom danger zone
hair appliances vs. textbooks
disclaimer: my untidiness does not represent the general female population.
Work deask catastrophe
dumbbells collecting dust
rubiks cube - unsolved since purchase
Hot tip of the day
Got some shoe boxes? why not put a modern spin on them by sticking on patterns printed on paper?
Posted by fanny dong at 10:18 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
'The end is near' Ad for Break Free 09
'The end is near' Bloopers
Posted by fanny dong at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Break Free Mac Ad
Break Free Mac Ad Bloopers
Sime's 18th Birthday Present
Posted by fanny dong at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Viv's 21st Messages pt. 1
Viv's 21st Messages pt. 2
Zef and Steffy
Posted by fanny dong at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
ok so ages ago i did a workshop thing for 'expand your horizons' on drawing. i figured i mite show u guys what the process is when i draw a photo, using viv as my example lol
what you need:
pencil (the black drawer for shading)
rubber (the white drawer for highlights)
a finger (for smudging and fading)
1. i trace the outline (yes, i know its cheating but it just saves me alot of rubbing and redoing lol)
2. colour the hair (this gives me a comparison of tone. hair = black, so everything else is compared to that black hair)
3. to do highlights for hair, shade the whole thing grey and then go over everything darker except for the highlight bits
4. eyes can be the hardest part because its usually how people recognise people's faces, so it can take some trial and error. remember to leave the light reflection in the eye white.
5. mouth is harder with teeth showing lol with teeth less is more. so don't draw the outline of the teeth too heavily or you'll end up with cartoon teeth. u just need to lightly sketch the bottom line of the teeth.
6. shading is just understanding what is protruding and retracting in the face. so the lip for example is coming out and u might have a highlight there, but it will also cause shading underneath it. other places where shading usually is is around the nose, smile creases, the inner part of the eye and around the face. where you might have highlights (using the rubber) is the forehead, line of the nose, cheeks and lips. tip: use your finger to smudge the shading
7. the fixing up stage is where u get nitty gritty and try to pick out what doesnt look right. this part takes a bit of practice and i still cant do it (fortunately i have my mum and dad to tell me if something looks weird lol they'll be honest)
Me: hey mum do u know who this is? *shows viv's picture*
Mum: ...... mmm.......... vivian?
Me: yeahhhhhhhhhh
Mum: doesn't look like her.
Me: aww *sigh*
anyways, there you have it guys! now everyone can draw a picture for someone :D
Posted by fanny dong at 4:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Comebacks 101
*a group of little white kids at day care*
Kid 1: ur cap is so lame. it's not even a gangsta hat.
Kid 2: i have a gangsta hat, i just didn't wear it today.
Kid 3: whatever, you're not even gangsta!
Kid 2: neither are you!!
Kid 3: hey! i am too gangsta!!!
*lunch on sunday*
*sime talking to matt about Pokemon gaming techniques*
wendy: sime, ur such a geek
sime: no. *pause for effect* i'm not.
me: wow, that comeback was amazing. where do you come up with this stuff?
sime: i know, it works on anything. 'sime, you're gay'... 'no. i am not'.
*at tennis*
*matt playing DS on the ground and tim and jacky were throwing tennis balls to each other but in his direction*
Me: *puts black bag in front of matt's head to protect him*
*ball hits bag*
ness: lol matt doesnt even know whats going on.. hes just like 'whats that black cloud in front of me?"
jacky: *puts on defensive voice* Yeah? well what about girls and shopping for shoes??
me: what does that even mean?
jacky: you should know
me: best. comeback. ever.
Posted by fanny dong at 4:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Kev's Happy bday
Nathan and Carson
Umbrella - EMP boys
Save some watermelon for me and Sunday
Posted by fanny dong at 2:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Day Care pt. 249
Prep boy: *looks up at me* are u Patrick's mum?
Me: no, I'm not Patrick's mum.
Prep boy: well then who's mum are you?
Me: I'm nobody's mum.
Prep boy: why aren't you anybody's mum??
Me: I.. I. becuz... like.. WHY AREN'T YOU ANYBODY'S MUM??
Playing Red Rover or Bull Rush
Prep girl: *grumpy face* i dont want to play anymore! I never win! I want to win.
Me: okay, how bout I protect you when people try to tag you.
Prep girl: OKAY!
*One minute later*
Prep girl: Tag me! Tag me! I want to be it!!
Me: sigh... okay.
*standing outside boy's toilet*
Prep boy: I've never seen a girl's toilet before.
Me: Girl's use the sitting toilets.
Prep boy: What's that? Cuz boys use the the the different toilet.
Me: It's like the one you have at home. Girl's use normal toilets.
Prep boy: ooooooh I use my mum's toilet... and my dad's toilet.
Me: *where is this conversation going*
Boy 1: Why did you take so long in the toilet?
Boy 2: I had to do a poo.
Boy 1: ooooooooooh, I hate doing poos.
Boy 2: Me too.
Boy 1: Why can't we just wee.
Me: *where is this conversation going*
Posted by fanny dong at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
'We are cool' part 2
Now, here's the thing. Simey Lan was looking at my blog and felt sad that he doesn't have these awesome photos with us. and why shouldn't he be in these photos? I mean... he's family. Just like how the Fong's have a cut out sibling in their family photo, Simey should be in our oldskool youth photos.
Posted by fanny dong at 3:57 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
EMP Youth
'We are cool'
Advisor Zef
Doctor Ness
Miss Vivian
Song Go
Doctor Ting
Kent Go
and this is just for funzies
Sam Lui
Posted by fanny dong at 5:48 AM 3 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Sorry guys! it's been a long time comin, but here it is. EMP boys Calendar 2009.
Spend a month with Mr. January and you'll be doing all kinds of sexy Asian poses - the i-have-something-on-my-neck pose.
Mr. February will keep you on your toes with his long strides on the field.
Mr. March will be thinking of you all day long with his manly sized head.
He's bringing sexy back with that flexed arm and pouty lips. Mr. April
Mr. May will just lie in the grass and watch the clouds float by with you as he charms you with his indo-aussie-london accent.
Mr. June is starting to feel the Autumn breeze. But never fear, he'll keep you warm at night with these flashy soccer socks.
No one can strike a pose better than his man. He'll have you hooked with his boyish charm and soft eyes. Mr. July.
These arms aren't just for show... ladies.. you could be that t-shirt Mr. August is hugging ;)
Mr. September... Mr. September.
Mr. October shows his sensitive side with man's best friend. And how can any woman resist the good old the-camera's-over-there-but-i'm-looking-away pose?
Who ever said the ladies have to do all the kitchen work? If you need your dishes clean, Mr. November will suds them up for you. He'll suds them good.
And for December, I give you the CMCA MYF Asian boyband. I know that's all I want for Christmas.
Posted by fanny dong at 5:55 AM 8 comments