Wednesday, April 04, 2007


i finished my anatomy exam today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont confuse that excitement with me thinkin i did well. i just hope i passed lol. i think i guessed most of it.

OT chick: I hope you guys picked up on that trick question.
Me: What trick question???
OT chick: What muscles in the arm are innervated by the ulnar muscle.
Me: OH that.... i put 'none'.
OT chick: Yeah your right. And the reason for that is (hmmm i think i tuned out after that...)
Me: *blank look full of blankness* oooooh... yeah i put 'none' cuz i couldnt think of any muscles.
OT chick: Good effort.

anyways... now presenting more of the random blog bout random thoughts.

Random thought no. 1 - k this crazy thing happened a few weeks ago. i was walking from the bus station on the way home and i saw a bunch of asian dudes........ no no u don't understand the significance of this event and no no im not talkin bout *twirling hair and goin up to these asian dudes to ask for the time* im talking bout asians. in. springwood. there are noooo asians in springwood. k im exaggerating... theres supposed to be ONE asian in springwood. and these guys looked like asian-gangster-wannabes wannabe gangstering (its fun to repeat words in the same sentence). when the asian gangsters reach a suburb u KNOW asians are on the verge of conquering that land.

Random thought no. 2 - i discovered today something bout myself that i never really take notice of. I always like to shop after something stressful like an exam. but i dont mean spending $100 on socks. i find the best bargains after exams. i was swimming in $5 tops *pictures self dancing and twirling in slow motion with $5 signs everywhere*. chyeah. i am ze bargain queen.

Random thought no. 3 - The Lolly shop at UQ should be called the "Candy Store".

Random thought no. 4 - I have to get a first aid certificate. Right now im depending on this little wallet-sized instruction manual on CPR. As you guys may know... im a slow reader... so if you happened to have a heart attack at this age... you better hope and pray that im not the only person around. BUT im sure i'll be good at saving people after this course.

mmmmmm im gunna rest my thoughts now. Have a happy easter everyone. Hope we remember what its really bout :)