Saturday, June 09, 2007

ooooooooooooooooh mannnnnn

bah!!! it went from summer to winter in a span of two days!! and since i think the British or American post is gettin out of hand... im gunna talk bout sumthing more relevant... like how freakin cold it is. There is a reason why autumn was invented... it's so winter doesnt seem to bad. but thanx to global warming and our screwed weather pattern.. we dont have that luxury this year.

k now im gunna elaborate on this point in a list of points.

What winter means to me:

Number one - Showers turn from a leisure activity to a dreaded task. And those "sudding" periods due to water restriction become a little more invigorating.

Number two - Avoiding physical contact with the toilet seat.. either that or brace yourself.

Number three - Ugly jumpers. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU FASHION QUEENS SAY (or bui) (...not paying him out, just saying he knows what looks good lol) if a girl is cold, she has the God given right to wear what only makes her look fat and hoboish.

Number four - Jeans. ahhhh yes... glorious jeans... and u know what that means? not shaving my legs... i know i know... i'm so glamorous. and it also means dry cracked skin. "tis the season to be fugly, falalala lalalala.."

Number five - Tucking my pants into my socks and my shirt into my pants... i look like a hilarious multicoloured snow beast in my home clothes. i would show u guys a photo but my camera died. or i just dont want u show u guys.