Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day Care part 3

These kids are freakin hilarious.

Cutest little girl: *hugs me by my waist*
Me: Hello!!
Cutest little girl: *starts hanging off waist*
Me: *tries to walk with child as a belt*
Cutest little girl: HUG ME!!
Me: *i'd like to keep my blue card* a hug? why do u need a hug?
Cutest little girl: beeeecauuuuse.. IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A HUG... I'LL BREAK YOUR ARM!!
Me: *...whaaaaat the. get off me*

Co-ordinator: Hey Frances, can you bake?
Frances: ahhhh with my friends *nervous laugh*
Co-ordinator: Great, do you wanna help the kids bake a birthday cake?
Frances: *uh oh..* Sure!

20mins later, two lumpy cakes

Birthday girls: We want green cakes!
Me: *eeeewww* Sure!

5mins later, two lumpy nuclear waste cakes

There's another girl that works at the care centre who's name is Frances. and get this, she's asian too.
Me: so how did your parents give you our name?
Frances: after Saint Frances
Me: ah yeah..
Frances: how bout you?
Me: they got it from a list of names and they were like "that's weird, i'll take it"

Something I learnt about kids is that they are very competitive. they will do anything if you make it competitive.

*boy lying in the middle of the floor*
Me: Buddy, you okay? you bored?
Boy: *nods*
Me: Let's play Connect-a-four (i owned this game in primary)
Boy: Connect-a-four is llaaaamee, no-body plays it
Me: *i'm so old* That's cuz you've never played with me before. I am the QUEEN OF CONNECT-A-FOUR!
Boy: No WAYYY!!! I'll beat you!!
*after a few games of me winning*
Other kids: I wanna verse him! *points to boy*
Boy: Nooo, you have the verse her, she's the QUEEN OF CONNECT-A-FOUR!
*uproar of connect-a-four begins*

i think the kids had one too many candy canes today. they all made cakes today. and got to eat them. *shudder*
Witnessing the special event of children running from the playground to the table where the cakes are placed is one of nature's most extraordinary sights; this is called the 'Stampede'. Luckily i was in safe shelter in the kitchen, i was only able to hear the screams and thundering sound of 30 pairs of shoes drumming the concrete. Fortunately there were no casualties... yet.