Wednesday, September 06, 2006


QCS day one: early start at skool - 7:30am
nice breakfast accompanied by some radio music and pharan screaming at the top of his lungs "IT'S OKAY PPLZ!!!! DESTRESS!!! *runs around*" cool calm and collected indeed.

so first up was the Writing Task. and ooooooooooh man. i don't think i've ever seen a room full of SPRINGWOOD students be so serious... all at the same time. u could hear a pin drop when everyone started entering the room. sure, i started to get a little nervous when they made us sit there for 15 minutes in silence but hey... with Ashley Ham showing me her hand shaking violently and Katelyn nearly passing out infront of me... i felt ok.

ok so walked out of the WT with a newfound hatred for QCS, saying that when i become the queen of the world, i'll make sure QCS is put to its firey end :) and then lunch break... the sharings. man, its amazing how many different ideas ppl can get from the stimulus 'shape'. For example, there's body image, body image aaaaand body image!

so anyways Multiple Choice... hmm they should really rename that to "Fill-In-Random-Circles-And-Hope-For-The-Best". so yeah FIRCAHFTB was over and ppl were dancing out of the room. me walking out and crushing their spirits by saying "hello... there's still tomorrow ppl." sorry guys :P

day two... breakfast again... but... something was different... *gasp* pharan wasnt screaming anymore... why? he took his rage out on an innocent brick wall. ahh yes.. i know i'll be picking up Pharan's "How to Destress" book.

anyways i thought i did ok in short response... until ppl told me that they wont mark the written stuff if its in pencil. *dies*. yeah... was a little peeved off but i managed to get that out... by giving everyone else a massage... i guess i destress when i help other ppl relax lol oh but i later found out that it'll still be marked... thank God.

then MC2 and then.. it was over!!! then the dancing and skipping began.

and now... exam block and assignments. *sigh* shall celebrate the end of term three soon my friends... soon.
luv yas lots!