Sunday, November 05, 2006

m physics buddies

u ever have those moments where ur so close to finishing skool that u start to realise how much u'll miss it and how much u love ur skool friends? i had one of those moments. i was sitting out on the veranda at mickee's and sean's, studying for physics with the dudes. i could never have so much fun studying physics for the exam the next day without my physics buddies.

why i love my physics buddies...?

ok well let's start with pharan. crazy but hilarious guy. when u get him calmed down hes such a nice guy. known him since grade 4 and wow.. we've changed since then. i think we used to hate eachother in primary skool. ahhh good times. lol he's kinda protective too. i love it how he drives me home and KNOWS i have my keys in my hand but has to wait till im physically inside the house before he leaves. i mean... u never know when those crazy geckos will come out to get me :P

then there's mickee. he makes me laugh. and now ur prolly thinkin "gee frances... anyone can make u laugh". but i mean head on desk, running-out-of-air laughter. lol whether its his random swearing outbursts, random sean-hating and random hair-stroking. he also makes me feel at home anywhere. i could have the daggiest hair and wear my PJs to his house and not give a care (which i did last nite).

finally there's sean. one of the nicest guys i know. can't get over how courteous he is. like ok, ud think that in year 12 physics ud be competing with ppl and all... but this guy... prolly one place above me on the ranking ladder... happily explains stuff to me until i get it... and if u didnt figure.. thats a long time. its like that beer ad... "would u give up ur window seat so she can see the view... or would u be like sean? now that gallantry."

dont have an apple photo of sean :(

so yeah there they are. and even though we finished our last physics test and will longer embrace the beauty of hardcore studying together... i know i'll be seeing u guys around after skool, or as pharan calls it - LIFE. i thank God for friends like u guys :) have an awesome week.
peace out.