Monday, October 30, 2006

pop punk rock emo... thing

i slapped sam in the face today. 5 times. lol and it got harder each time.

a bunch of us went to nina's to film a video clip to no doubt's 'bathwater' song. i played the role of a girl whos boyfriend is a man slut. i get mad at him alot, push him around and slap him. i can see my future as an abusive girlfriend. lol jokin! i couldnt even slap sam right. hence we had to do it five times. i think he got a tiny bit annoyed. lol sorry dude! poor guy was bored out of his brains waiting for us to shot the bloody scenes.

oh yeah and i dressed up like a... well.. there are no words to describe it. hmm a sad attempt at a punk rock chick... a 'veronicas'? it has its benefits though... no need to brush ur hair since u gotta tease it every now and then. u can have no clue how to put on accessories like suspendors and it'll look like u 'meant to do that'.

the suspendors are hanging off my ass at the back.

downside is having to reapply the lipstick three times today. hehe ashleigh u so cute.

but a fun day before the cram study week.
