Tuesday, February 27, 2007

uni noob

k so as u all may know (or should know since i told every breathing being) i am now a uni student. before u guys start picturing me being lost in the middle of a pond or sumfin... i should tell u that i didn't get as lost as i imagined. all thanx to my trusty "asian-tourist" map. two guys actually came up to me and asked if i knew where the law library was. so TAKE THAT! they've actually mistaken me for someone who knows things. hence i didnt look too nooby either

but if u were the lecturer then ud see a very different look on my face. the "shifty-lookin-at-other-ppls-notes" look.

ok it didnt exactly go like that... but when i saw the girl next to me scribble away.. i did think i was clueless.. only to find out she was half way through colouring her square.

breaking the ice with uni ppl is so easy. just make them laugh... theyre a crowd thats easy to please. in my first tutorial the teacher dude made us introduce ourselves to the rest of the class by saying our name (including last name so he could mark us off) where we're from and if weve been to uni before. since i was last i thought id just make fun of myself being a noob, a bogan and having the last name dong.

after the tut this girl actually came up to me to compliment my jokes.

random chick: i really liked the way u said "ding dong" *smiles as if we should talk bout this for another ten minutes*
me: lol yeah...
*awkward silence*
me: *thinks* would u like an autograph?

friendly ppl at uq :) shall be looking forward to meeting more complimenting-square-drawing-library-searching ppl.